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This site was designed and created to make it easier and more comfortable for parents to submit applications for tuition assistance in Bergen County. The information submitted goes only to the school administrator and scholarship committee of the school(s) for which you are applying. The site was created by members from various scholarship committees in our community.

Security & Privacy understands how important your information is and how crucial it is that your private data remains safe from prying eyes. For this reason, we have made it our goal to provide a secure environment for your data by adhering to authentication and security practices that are seasoned and reliable.

Every page is secured such that the information you send us and the information we send you is encrypted before transmission. You can verify this by checking that your URL begins with the prefix 'https://' as opposed to just 'http://'. In addition, all access to your information is accessible only to you and a select subset of administrators responsible for evaluating your application. Your information is never shared with a third party. uses "cookies" to make your experience more enjoyable. Cookies are commonly employed by websites for just this purpose. However, does not at any point store your personal information in a cookie.